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Guide to Amiga compatible programming

Basic knowledge for Amiga programming

“AmigaOS is a microkernel message-passing design, with better response time and performance than any other readily available PC operating system: including MINIX, OS/2, Windows, MacOS, Linux, UNIX, and certainly MS-DOS.

The microkernel design has proven invaluable. Things like new file systems that are normally available only from the vendor are hobbyist products on the Amiga. Device drivers are simply shared libraries and tasks with specific entry points and message ports. So are file systems, the window system, and so on. It’s a WONDERFUL design, and validates everything that people have been saying about microkernels. Yes, it takes more work to get them off the ground than a coroutine based macrokernel like UNIX, but the versatility pays you back many times over.”

Peter Da Silva, The Tanenbaum-Torvalds Debate, 07/02/1992

3.1 Excursus (discussion) on Amiga OS

Introducing programming concepts starting from scratch is very hard: you are never sure if a concept has been explained in a clear way and if it’s better to discuss a particular theory before or after another one. Let’s try to proceed by applying some base rules for the understanding of this and following chapters:

All Amiga APIs are designed to be used with C language, or even 68k assembly if on OS3.x, but since we are in 21st century it’s better to focus on the most famous medium-level language that everyone has heard at least talked about once. Assuming that you have mastery of concepts such as functions, pointers, structures, casting, API (Application Programming Interface) etc… Let’s introduce some amiga related concepts.

3.2 Inside AmigaOS

All Amiga flavors have AmigaOS3.1 as their common root, so a little look to the 90s of AmigaOS is needed. AmigaOS is a monouser multiprogrammed operating system, mainly built on three important components:

And there are other more or less relevant modules.

Exec is AmigaOS’s microkernel. Exec’s job is to handle the whole system and its resources, running programs (called tasks), message ports and many other things.

AmigaDOS is the module that handles AmigaOS’s I/O and offers:

Intuition provides AmigaOS graphical objects to interact with the user. Although AmigaOS’s graphical interface has intuition as its core, there are other tools, built on intuition, that allow you to build GUIs quickly:

AmigaOS is, more generally, organized following an overlapped modules hierarchy; starting from the lower modules we have:

Libraries are organized according to a hierarchy of levels, following the set of functions that they collect; in fact there are groups of functions that work in a lower level than other groups. Devices and resources don’t have the same organization, because each of them handles the devices for which it was designed. Libraries are used for most of the tasks to be performed, devices and resources are only used in particular cases. Such design makes AmigaOS a modular Operating System, giving the opportunity to extend and update its features without interfering with existing applications.

3.3 Using Amiga functions

Every program that uses the functions of an operating system, here AmigaOS and spin-offs, must be able to access such APIs. On AmigaOS, using library functions, devices and so on, means making available such modules to the application. For this reason we need the opening process of one or more libraries at the beginning of every program.

On AmigaOS there is always a library opened: exec.library, which offers the functions that exec provides to the programmer. For example, if we want to create a requester, using the EasyStruct structure, defined in <intuition/intuition.h> :

struct EasyStruct {
    ULONG es_StructSize;    /* structure dimentsion                */
    ULONG es_Flags;         /* usually set to 0                    */
    UBYTE *es_Title;        /* requester's title                   */
    UBYTE *es_TextFormat;   /* string inside the requester         */
    UBYTE *es_GadgetFormat; /* string inside the close button      */

and the Intuition’s EasyRequestArgs() function, declared in this way:

LONG EasyRequestArgs(struct Window *window,               /* window which the  */
                                                          /* requester belongs */
                                                          /* to;               */
                     CONST struct EasyStruct *easyStruct, /* requester to      */
                                                          /* open;             */
                     LONG *idcmpPtr,                      /* a particular      */
                                                          /* event that closes */
                                                          /* the requester     */
                     CONST APTR args );                   /* optional          */
                                                          /* arguments...;     */

we have to open intuition.library first. To perform this task Exec’s function calls OpenLibrary(). When we close the program we need to close all the libraries we opened at the beginning of the program itself, so we use CloseLibrary() to do this. Summarizing, in our example we’ll have a situation like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>

struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;

int main(void)
  IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",39);

  if (!IntuitionBase)
    return 0;
  struct EasyStruct requester;
  requester.es_StructSize   = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
  requester.es_Flags        = 0;
  requester.es_Title        = "Example requester";
  requester.es_GadgetFormat = "Exit";
  requester.es_TextFormat   = "This is a try!";
  EasyRequestArgs(NULL, &requester, NULL, NULL);

  if (IntuitionBase)
    CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
  return 0;

To use library functions, a program needs a pointer to the library’s data area, stored somewhere in memory, such area is called “Base”. The base of an OpenLibrary() returned library is nothing more than a structure having its own name (to know the name of the Base of a function, see header protos of the same functions). OpenLibrary() takes the name of the library to open and its minimum version as arguments. If the system cannot find the library we requested or find a previous version that is specified, OpenLibrary() would return NULL.

As we said, the first parameter of OpenLibrary() is the name of the library, such library might already be in memory, in this case OpenLibrary() will open the resident library, anyway, our library might not yet be resident in memory. In this case, OpenLibrary() will refer to the “LIBS:” device (which is usually an assign to Sys:Libs/) to find the library, load it into memory and open it. If you want to specify a different path than “LIBS:”, you’ll have to insert the path with the name of the library as first parameter of OpenLibrary(), for example:

OpenLibrary("sys:foo/bar.library", 0);

In this way we open any version of bar.library resident in sys:foo/. Although AmigaOS id case insensitive, Exec’s functions are not case insensitive, so you need to be careful with uppercase and lowercase letters of names specified to OpenLibrary().

The data area of a library is called Base because it specifies the lower part of the memory reserved to a particular library. Before the Base, or if we want “above” the base, there is another structure called functions table. Functions table contains references to all the functions a library provides. The program essentially browses the functions table to find the one which was invoked. After being sure to have a pointer to the Base of the library we are interested in, we can use the functions offered by the library. It’s important to note that AmigaOS needs the programmer to expressly close the library, to perform it the CloseLibrary() function is used.

Due to the number of libraries used normally in a program, it’s common practice to put the processes of opening and closing libraries inside two different functions, which respectively open and close all the libraries we’ll use in our program.

3.3.1 AmigaOS4 interfaces and Amiga OS’s preprocessor symbols.

AmigaOS4 introduces some changes relating the access of library functions. In the previous paragraph we learned how a program needs to get the Base of a library to access its functions. Using the Base the program gains the capability to access the table of functions of the corresponding library. On AmigaOS4 a new version of shared libraries has been introduced, called “interfaces”. On AmigaOS4 it is still not possible to access directly the library functions simply opening it with OpenLibrary(), you’ll need to specify first which interface contains the functions we’ll refer to. Basic functions of a library are pointed to from the “main” interface, on OS4 even the AmigaOS3.x APIs are accessible through this interface. So, while on AmigaOS3.x we only needed to get access to the Base of a function with OpenLibrary(), on AmigaOS4 we’ll also need to access the interface of the library, “main” in our case. To obtain all these things there are two new functions in ExecSG (the new AmigaOS4 kernel), called GetInterface() and DropInterface(), used respectively to open and close an interface. The previous paragraph’s example become the following:

#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>

struct Library *IntuitionBase;
struct IntuitionIFace *IIntuition;

int main(void)
  IntuitionBase= (struct Library *) IExec->OpenLibrary("intuition.library",39);

  if (!IntuitionBase)
    return 0;
  IIntuition = (struct IntuitionIFace *) IExec->GetInterface(IntuitionBase, 
                                 "main", 1, NULL);
  if (!IIntuition)
    IExec->CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
    return 0; 
  struct EasyStruct requester;
  requester.es_StructSize   = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
  requester.es_Flags        = 0;
  requester.es_Title        = "Example requester";
  requester.es_GadgetFormat = "Exit";
  requester.es_TextFormat   = "This is a try!";
  IIntuition->EasyRequestArgs(NULL, &requester, NULL, NULL);
  IExec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)IIntuition);

  if (IntuitionBase)
    IExec->CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
  return 0;

First of all, it’s good to notice how the name of Base structure is not referring to a given library anymore, except for rare cases (see the relating documentation). As for exec.library, even the IExec interface for this library is already open and available to the programmer. Every function is now invocable only explicitly by a direct access to the relating interface, such as IIntuition->EasyRequestArgs(). This makes it difficult to keep compatibility with other Amiga flavors, so you can use two preprocessor’s symbols __USE__INLINE__ and __USE_BASETYPE__, which allows us to keep the AmigaOS3.x function syntax and to use specific names for libraries’ Bases. Our example, rewritten in a portable manner becomes:

#ifdef __amigaos4__
#define __USE_INLINE__
#define __USE_BASETYPE__
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>

struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct IntuitionIFace *IIntuition;

int main(void)
  IntuitionBase= (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",39);

  if (!IntuitionBase)
    return 0;
  #ifdef __amigaos4__
  IIntuition = (struct IntuitionIFace *) GetInterface(IntuitionBase,  
                            "main", 1, NULL);
  if (!IIntuition)
    CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
    return 0; 
  struct EasyStruct requester;
  requester.es_StructSize   = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
  requester.es_Flags        = 0;
  requester.es_Title        = "Example requester";
  requester.es_GadgetFormat = "Exit";
  requester.es_TextFormat   = "This is a try!";
  EasyRequestArgs(NULL, &requester, NULL, NULL);
  #ifdef __amigaos4__
  DropInterface((struct Interface *)IIntuition);
  if (IntuitionBase)
    CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
  return 0;

As you can see, we also used the conditional compilation directives, so if the source is not being compiled on AmigaOS4, calls to GetInterface() and DropInterface() would be ignored by the compiler. The symbols for the four amiga systems, of our example use the conditional code #id defined() are:

AmigaOS3.x :  #if defined (__AMIGA__) && !defined (__PPC__)
AmigaOS4   :  #if defined (__amigaos4__)
MorphOS    :  #if defined (__MORPHOS__)
AROS       :  #if defined (__AROS__)

To be honest, we could omit the following conditional code:

#ifdef __amigaos4__
#define __USE_INLINE__
#define __USE_BASETYPE__

In this case we should use __USE_INLINE__ and __USE_BASETYPE__ symbols using the -D option of GCC, in other terms:

gcc mySource.c -o myExecutable -D__USE_INLINE_ -D__USE_BASETYPE_

3.4 Differences between various Amiga OS types

As you surely know, the established range of values to represent integer and decimal variables changes depending on the architecture an operating system is running on. Since its first version, AmigaOS defines also other types to declare variables, which reside in the header file exec/types.h. It’s important to notice that such types are dependent from the architecture in which AmigaOS has born, in other words the Motorola 68000 processor, which is a 16/32bit CPU. With the version 4 of AmigaOS and the migration to the PowerPC architecture, more support types were introduced, the same applies to AROS, which, as you know, runs on numerous different architectures. AmigaOS3.x types were maintained for compatibility on both systems, but the relating documentation encourages us to use new types for the future software to be developed.

We must consider that AmigaOS uses a particular type, APTR, if we know that the return value of a function is a generic pointer. Anyway in many cases we do not have such a certainty, so, in similar cases, it’s common to use ULONG as return value, which represents a 32 bit unsigned integer. This trick works pretty well for 32 bit architectures, while it’s totally incompatible with 64 bit and later ones. The reason is pretty trivial: in the case of pointers larger than 32bit there would be a truncation and thus invalid addresses. In the case of AmigaOS4 and MorphOS for modern architectures there isn’t such a problem, because both systems still use 32 bit addresses. In the AmigaOS4 case it’s recommended to use a new type, uint32, to avoid any ambiguity regarding the size of the type which is being used. Regarding AROS, the truncation problem is a real situation and easily occurs if you’re writing an AROS x86_64 compatible program. For this reason, AROS introduces another new type, IPTR, which is the only portable way to represent a variable that can keep both an integer value as a pointer of any size.

Even MorphOS supports IPTR type.

In the case of portable applications from one Amiga flavor to another, it’s good to employ a similar conditional code:

#if !defined(__AROS__) || !defined(__MORPHOS__)
    #ifdef __amigaos4__
    #define IPTR uint32
    #define IPTR ULONG

and using IPTR through it.

3.5 AROS, variable passing

Some AmigaOS functions often requires variable parameters passing, using program stack for their manipulations. As we said, AmigaOS assigns a range of types that ranges from 8bit integers to 64bit integers in modern flavors. Anyway, some modern CPUs don’t allow such handling with all variable types. For example, some CPUs allow us to handle only some kind of variable on the stack, other types are accepted only through CPU registers, other CPUs allow variable passing through registers only and so on. To solve such issues, AROS uses a particular symbol, STACKED, which must be put before variable declarations and structures fields to be passed to Amiga functions (such as BOOPSI messages that will be explained later). For portable software, it’s good to use such conditional code:

#ifndef __AROS__
#define STACKED

In order to use STACKED without interference with AmigaOS3.x, AmigaOS4 and MorphOS.

For completeness, it’s important to specify the STACK symbol too. In many AROS declarations you can find such expressions:


STACKIPTR pointer;

These expressions, although they have the same goal of STACKED, they are not a synonym, in fact:




Doesn’t declare same size variables on AROS, it depends on which architecture we are running this Amiga flavor on. For example, on AROS x86-64 STACKULONG declares a 64bit integer, while STACKED ULONG is a a 32bit integer.

STACK symbol is even supported by MorphOS.

3.6 Programs, tasks and processes

We often read that a process is a running program, on Amiga it’s better to make some distinctions. A running Amiga program is called a “Task”. A task is able to invoke almost all the functions that the Amiga operating system provides, except some, including those offered by AmigaDOS. The only way to execute such functions unavailable to a simple task is to invoke them through a process. A process on Amiga is a special Task, able to use all functions that the operating system provides. The difference between Tasks and Processes must be searched in the AmigaOS history, and we are not going to go deeper in this subject here, we only have to know that when we launch our program, usually it will be a process. Essentially a process on AmigaOS is a task enriched with other information that allows it to also use other resources, among which are some system functions. A task and a process are identified by pointers to structures: the Task structure and the Process structure. What concerns us here is knowing that a process (struct Process) contains within it: